Shop From The Comfort Of Your Coach


At HAGOOLE shoppers can negotiate prices on the world’s most famous Kitchen and laundry appliance…

Each item has a ‘Make an Offer’ option which enables the consumer to haggle for the best price the market is paying based upon demand.

But you don’t haggle with a human; at Hagoole a robot does all the negotiating, after taking into consideration the markets demand and current availability of inventory by the merchant.

Hagoole is unlike other negotiating sites like where you bargain simultaneously with multiple merchants and where you have to wait for a response to your offer that you have just made, provided you do get a response.

At Hagoole all the haggling is done fairly…..


Haggle For Savings

Haggle and Save

You may have thought that today the big banks were impossible to haggle with, but as many consumers are discovering, it’s completely possible. Haggling now more than ever before has become such an easy thing to do and the best part is that anyone can do it!

Negotiating: A New Mindset

Haggle Negotiate

People have been increasingly empowered to haggle or negotiate like never before. Consumers today are not only looking to stretch their dollars further in these hard economic times, but also can make credible threats to brick and mortar stores and online retailers by shopping elsewhere.

This is exceptionally painful for places like shoe stores, where customers can make sure that the product fits and feels comfortable before threatening to buy it online.

The Great Debate: Is Haggling Worth The Hassle?

Haggle Bargaining

“Don’t most people haggle here?” I asked a woman who was openly selling her product.

“Yes they do,” said the seller. “We expect to negotiate. We have a ‘Buy Now’ price, a bottom line price and the price we paid for it.

We try to get a price somewhere between the price we paid and the bottom line. At least 85 percent of customers haggle. I’m surprised when someone doesn’t.”



ChargeLess Taxi Cash Register by HAGOOLE

ChargeLess Taxi Cash Register

ChargeLess Taxi Cash Register

Galaxy Nexus already offers NFC (Near Field Communication) capability and the iPhone 5 is almost here.


The Taxi Cash Register is a practical and efficient application which details and calculates the TOTAL taxi fare, including all relevant charges associated with a particular fare, such as tolls and eftpos service fees.

More importantly if you are a taxi driver or operator and combine this application with a standard business (eftpos terminal) it will make you thousands of dollars!!

Buy this App from the App Store BUY NOW.


ChargeLess Taxi Cash Register Screenshots


1. Currently, the majority of taxi drivers manually calculate all the different tolls and charges associated with a particular fare and then add these amounts to the cost of the fare on the meter – this often leads to many perplexed customers who question the amount of the tolls and ultimately the total fare;

2. The amount of the fare (together with the cost of the tolls) is then entered into an existing eftpos terminal and a 10% surcharge on this amount is charged to the customer;

3. NOW with Taxi Cash Register (combined with a standard eftpos business terminal), the taxi driver can:

(a) efficiently calculate the value of multiple tolls, the service fee and the total taxi fare;
(b) process the transaction by using an independent eftpos business terminal obtained by the taxi driver from his/her selected financial institution; and
(c) keep the majority of the service fee!!

4. The taxi driver may elect to reduce the service fee charged to customers in an attempt to win regular customers – for example by charging 7% service fee instead of the usual total 11% after the GST on service fee is applied.

5. A detailed receipt from the Taxi Cash Register can also be printed or emailed directly to the customer

Version 1.0 Calculates and emails detailed receipts (out now on iTunes)
Version 1.1 AirPrint support allowing for bluetooth printing, (waiting for Apple to approve new version)
Version 1.3 NFS payment capability as supported by the Google Android Galaxy Nexus and the iPhone 5 which is just around the corner plus application support of specialised accessory which permits credit card scanning, smart card reading and printing(coming soon)

To contact the young punk developer of the TAXI CASH REGISTER please click here.

*ChargeLess inspired by HAGOOLE Price Comparison… before you buy !!!

The Real Meaning Behind Two-Up

The Real Meaning Behind Two-Up

When you play two-up this Anzac Day remember that while you may have lost some pocket change our service men and women paid the ultimate price for our freedoms.

Let us honour our service men and women.

‘Lest we forget’

Why we play two-up on Anzac Day

The Real Meaning Behind Two-up - Lest we forget

Soldiers Playing Two-Up

They Shall Grow Not Old

They shall grow not old,
as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them,
nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun
and in the morning
We will remember them.

~Laurence Binyon’s